Hands on Tarot
Hands on Tarot
Creating Your Own Tarot Spreads
Tarot spreads are a great way to give your readings context and stay focused on the inquiry. They help you see patterns and make connections. Creating your own spreads helps with active self reflection and problem solving and allows you engage in your practice creatively.
Decks Used: Spread Crafter's Oracle - Fables Den
Quest Expansion Pack - Fables Den
Change Expansion Pack - Fables Den
- Spreads Deck - Holly Oddly
- The Citadel Oracle Deck - Liminal 11
- Wandering Star Tarot - Cat Pierce
Tarot Zines - Made by Me :)
Practice What You Learned:
- Craft your own spread by understanding your goal, clarifying the circumstances, targeting the underlying problem, finding the solution.
- Be creative in your layout
- Use a deck designed with spread prompts for layouts (listed above)
- Create a special spread to use in your tarot services (or even if you are reading at a market have a show special spread)
References & Resources:
Holistic Tarot – Benebell Wen
Join my FREE Tarot Circle and get in on the discussion!
Questions or Comments:
Email: handsontarot@gmail.com
Website: www.susiegourlay.com
Instagram: @handsontarot & @woolly_witch
Thanks for tuning in. I see tarot in your future ;)